social / video


HI, I’m Tyler. I make social content for I’ve also worked with the lovely people at Variety, Polygon, Hardcore Gamer, and more to create written op-eds, features, and news articles.

In 2020, I started streaming on Twitch, as well as a podcast called Film Schooled (which is hosted on this very site). Since being hired at IGN full time, both of these projects have taken a back seat, but I’m still very proud of the work I put into them and the knowledge and skills I gained in producing them.

I hope to make a name for myself in the games media space, and am trying my best to take the proper steps to get there without burning myself out. I want to do this forever, so I’m going to take the time necessary.

social media


I never set out to work in social media, but my degree and skillset lended to it, and I’ve gained some great experience in the field. My first taste of it came in college, when I was VP of Communications for my fraternity. Then, in 2018, I started working with IGN as a Social Media Coordinator, where I unlearned all of the bad habits I had taught myself in college.




The Norse Mythology in God of War: Ragnarok's Latest Trailer (IGN)

Sony dropped a new trailer for God of War: Ragnarök at their State of Play on Tuesday (coincidentally also known as Tyr’s day), and with it came a lot of new imagery and details about how the story of the sequel will depict the Norse version of the end of the universe. Things go down in a very specific way in Norse Mythology, and it seems Sony Santa Monica will be sticking somewhat closely to the source material, as we see multiple shots in the trailer of gods, monsters, and events that tie directly to Ragnarök. There are a ton of little mythological Easter eggs in the trailer, and we’ve gone through and made note of a few specific details that you might have missed. (We’ve also added a little context along the way!)

New GTA 6 Info Has Us Excited and Skeptical - Beyond 760 (IGN)

On this week’s episode of Beyond! The crew discusses all the new Grand Theft Auto 6 leaks(?). We also dive into whether or not we’ll actually ever see the now on-hold KotoR remake. Oh, and Dornbush is gone, which means there are no rules! We just want to say sorry in advance…

Ms. Marvel Has Cleared Up The MCU’s Universe vs Dimension Problem (IGN)

In real life, or at least theoretical real life, universes, alternate dimensions, and timelines are all one in the same. The terms can be used interchangeably, with no real differentiating factors. But if you’ve been getting all of your theoretical physics from watching the MCU movies (probably don’t do that) you may also be confused by the previous statement that universes and dimensions are the same thing. That’s because so far, the MCU has done a pretty poor job of setting up the rules of its multiverse, and disseminating those rules and regulations to us, the audience.

The Era of the Fan-Influenced Movie Has Arrived (And It's Not Good) (IGN)

Movies have always been a collaborative medium. Writers, directors, actors, set designers, and hundreds, sometimes thousands more (you’ve seen credits) come together to create a visual work of art meant to entertain, inspire and connect us as humans. Making a film is a monumental effort, which sometimes turns into something magical, and at other times fails to create anything cohesive. But we’re beginning to see the signs of a new ingredient added to the moviemaking soup that has started to sour the taste, regardless of the creators’ intent: fan feedback.

Overwatch’s role queue is off to a strong start (Polygon)

Role queue has changed the way we play Overwatch, from the casual players all the way up to Overwatch League pros. The new system requires teams to be made up of two tanks, two damage characters, and two supports. We can say goodbye to compositions like GOATS, and hello to more varied damage picks across the board.

It’s Time for an ‘Overwatch’ Battle Pass (Variety)

The rise of “Fortnite’s” battle royale mode brought with it the rise of the battle pass — Fortnite’s model for monetizing its otherwise free game. It’s making Epic Games millions of dollars.

As other developers start to move to and adopt the battle pass system — most recently “Rocket League” — I’ve been thinking a lot about some of the other competitive games out there and how a battle pass system might work for them...

Blizzard’s patch schedule has led to a wonderful Overwatch meta (polygon)

Over the past couple of months, Blizzard has targeted a few key characters in the game that get little playtime at higher ranks and made very careful changes or additions to them in order to give them a chance at the higher levels. They’ve either introduced a new character, completely reworked a character’s kit, or shifted their roles in the meta...

Symmetra’s new abilities could reshape the Overwatch meta (polygon)

Symmetra’s current state leaves her in an odd spot; she’s a support who doesn’t heal, a strategic character who’s only applicable to a few choke point situations, and she doesn’t do a whole lot in terms of DPS either...

Torbjorn’s rework is set to bring him into the Overwatch meta (polygon)

For too long, everyone’s favorite Swedish engineer, Torbjorn has been seen as a joke in the Overwatch meta. Now, his new kit is available on the PTR, and so far it seems Torbjorn has gotten the Symmetra treatment: a rework that recreates the fantasy of his kit, while revamping old abilities. Better opportunities for consistent damage, and a meta-shifting new ultimate will help define Torbjorn as a damage character while making life for his overpowered daughter Brigitte a little bit harder. He’s more robust, elusive, and if you just change how you think about him and his role in the meta, he’s really going to be able to shake up a lot of team comps...

Gaming Disorder is Not Something to Fear (hardcore gamer)

Diseases, addictions and mental illnesses are serious business. There has to be a way of describing and classifying these diseases and the system has to be universal. To that end, the United Nations created the World Health Organization and the World Health Organization created the ICD...

And the hundreds of news, review, preview, and feature articles I wrote for Hardcore Gamer.